FREE guide -

How I Self Released My Own Music And How You Can Too!

for anyone who is ready to stop hiding and unleash their inner artist... that they can release their own music (without a record deal) out into the world!

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🎙️ What held me back from releasing my album for TWENTY YEARS!
🎙️ What steps I took to finally make it happen
🎙️ What steps YOU can take to make your music AND release it
🎙️ What equipment you’ll need (not much)
🎙️ And much more!

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What is The Singing Guitarists?


The Singing Guitarists is the brainchild of me,  professional singer Phillipa Cookman. After 20 years of gigging, I decided I wanted to share everything I've learnt so that other people could experience the joy of singing, playing the guitar and making their own music. 

I realised that although I have both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in music, the things I earned my money from (and that people enjoyed) was all self taught. It showed me you don't NEED to have degrees or spend years becoming a virtuoso. I truly believe ANYONE can learn to sing, play, write and record their own music.

Whether you want to learn to play a song for your wedding, change careers and become a cruise ship musician or learn to write and record your own music, I can (and really want to!) help! 

Download the FREE guide now!

Find out exactly how I released my own music (without a record deal) and how you can too!

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